Vivien Bridson, actress

Vivien is known for acting in films including His Dark Materials, Star Wars and Going Forward. She is a director, dancer and choreographer. In her 40’s she did a Masters degree in Educational Psychology and then graduated from London Contemporary dance school.  She worked in Germany for many years as a director.  She currently runs regular workshops with dancers and actors.


Why is artistic expression important to you?

It’s totally important. Without it we just become automatons, especially in the digital age where we’re so used to looking to the internet for the answer to everything. We need to be careful to think for ourselves. Ask what is inside yourself, what you have inherited and how you get in touch with it.

What inspires you?

There was a Russian dancer who came to teach us on the Isle of Man and when she was teaching you could hear a pin drop. She was a fragile creature but powerful. I joined her dance company and she was such an inspiration. Because of her I became a dancer.

What are you excited about doing next?

I’m running workshops for actors and dancers. There are people in their 80’s who come and young students. I feel I still have something to communicate.


Peter Darach, artist


Dougie Wright, session musician